Research Areas
Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems positioning methods and algorithms,
- GNSS-based monitoring of the ionosphere and troposphere,
- satellite orbit determination and control,
- GNSS/INS data integration for positioning and attitude determination and control,
- geodynamics derived from GNSS and other geodetic terrestrial techniques,
- implementation and maintenance of geodetic reference systems (EUREF Local Analysis Center – EPN ACC),
- maintaining the Astronomical-Geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw,
- absolute and relative terrestrial gravimetry: fundamental gravimetric base and networks, precise tidal and applied relative gravimetry,
- investigating satellite gravimetry data for hydrological and hydrogeological influences,
- validation of satellite and combined geopotential models,
- local determination of geoid and quasi-geoid models based on gravimetric and satellite-levelling data,
- realisation of height systems and vertical networks adjustment,
- conversion of the heights between local and international height frames,
- calibration of geodetic instruments (e.g. gravimeters, precise levelling staff, GNSS receivers),
- determination and analysis of Earth rotation parameters,
- relativistic geodesy.
Department of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems
- modern surveying technologies,
- terrestrial laser scanning and videotachometry,
- inclinometric measurements,
- geodetic techniques for precise engineering measurements,
- designing displacement monitoring systems and determining deformation parameters of high-risk engineering facilities,
- improving accuracy analysis methods for specific engineering surveying measuring tasks,
- analysis of the accuracy and reliability of observations,
- analysis of the accuracy of optoelectronic distance meters and inclinometer devices,
- reliability theory and methods for detecting thick errors in observation systems,
- supporting the running of buildings with complex geometry and high accuracy requirements,
- spatial information systems for engineering objects,
- BIM in engineering,
- details measurements for design works, realisation and inventory of objects,
- basic maps of cities,
- underground installations,
- measurments of railroad tracks and roads.
Department of Spatial Management and Environmental Science
- spatial analysis models supporting spatial planning,
- spatial development plans,
- study of preconditions and guidelines for spatial development,
- development of regional and municipal development strategies,
- soil science,
- elements of environmental engineering,
- elements of urban planning and architecture,
- smart solutions for social, environmental and economic challenges in rural areas,
- participatory planning in rural development processes,
- geostatistics in environmental sciences,
- building information modelling in spatial management
- impact of urban greenery on the microclimate.
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems
- airborne, spaceborne, terrestrial photogrammetric sensors analysis,
- satellite, aerial, low-altitude (UAV-based) and close-range image collection and photogrammetric processing,
- image processing and photointerpretation within remote sensing techniques,
- image-matching techniques,
- image recognition and feature detection from image and point clouds,
- airborne and terrestrial laser scanning,
- multispectral and hyperspectral imagery,
- radar images, radar interpherometry,
- development of spatial information systems for public administration and industry,
- computer vision and machine learning,
- 3D modelling,
- 3D city models and their application,
- photogrammetric and remote sensing applications in e.g.: natural science, land management and cultural heritage,
- thermal remote sensing in urban climate studies,
- spatial data analysis and modelling (multicriteria analysis, 3D analysis, network analysis, using geoinformatics for automation workflows).
Department of Cartography
- designing innovative models of spatial databases and geographic information systems
- devising the map production technology (digital cartographic systems) on the basis of topographic databases,
- devising and implementing geoportals (geographic or thematic),
- geographic information generalization,
- using 3D models of cities to create “smart city” systems and gamification in the geoparticipation process,
- the methodology of modelling spatial databases for the navigation and localisation systems and cartographic representation in navigation applications and aerial cartography,
- integrating BIM and GIS systems and models and navigation inside buildings,
- using interpolation methods to create numerical models of the terrain sculpture, statistical surfaces, and geostatistics to create decision models,
- the methodology of obtaining spatial data by means of mobile tools and applications,
- neocartography and social cartography,
- innovative methods of GIS data geovisualisation, e.g. using AR/VR technologies,
- using the methodology of cartography in mobile marketing,
- designing and implementing complex geographical analyses and exploratory spatial data analysis (spatial data mining),
- using Design Thinking methodology to create innovative products and geoinformation services,
- designing and analysing map projections and coordinate systems.
Department of Cadastre and Land Management
- problems of improvement and implementation of geodetic and legal procedures in the cadastre and real estate management, which include, among others: regulations on legal status of real estate, divisions of real estate, modernisation of cadastre, expropriation of real estate, land consolidation, updating cadastral databases, property valuation and management, linear infrastructure investment processes, including, for example, roads and transmission equipment,
- analysis and processing of spatial data on real estate and real estate transactions contained in public registers aimed at supporting decision-making processes in various areas of the economy,
- the use of multi-source spatial data in building a 3D cadastre and implementation issues,
- ecological and environmental aspects in real estate management in rural areas from the perspective of sustainable development in the context of water management, climate change and forestry,
- geodetic work for the needs of agriculture, forestry and water melioration,
- development of rural areas.